An Undergraduate Experiment in Metal-Organic

Network Self-Assembly - Robert D. Pike

Journal of Chemical Eduction, vol. 78, pp. 1522-1524 (2001).
(email me if you'd like a reprint...)

Description of the Experiment: We have recently developed a new laboratory experiment dealing with the formation and study of metal-organic network compounds. This new experiment is colorful, inexpensive, and illustrates many important chemical principles. The networks are prepared from CuCl, CuBr, and CuI (CuX) with 4,4'-bipyridyl (Bpy). Two different two-dimensional network are formed: (CuX)(Bpy) and (CuX)2(Bpy). Portions of the network structures are shown below:




There are three parts to the exercise. Part A involves the synthesis of (CuX)(Bpy) and (CuX)2(Bpy). Part B is a study of the equilibrium between the two products. Part C is an analysis of the compounds from Part A for their copper content by spectroscopy. The details of the new experiment will be published in the Journal of Chemical Education (October, 2001). Some pictures are shown below:


          Part A Synthesis of Complexes